Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Birth Story...

So, I know I am a bit behind, but here we go...
I had to be at the hospital at 6am on Monday, January 24th to begin the preparations for the c-section. Needless to say, I was starving; since I couldn't have breakfast. The c-section was scheduled for 8am...and the closer it got to the time to go to the operating room, the more nervous I got. This is me waiting to go into the operating room.
Once we go into the operating room, I was given the spinal and laid out on the operating table. Once the doctor started performing the c-section, my husband was brought into the room and he sat by my head. There was a curtain up so we couldn't see anything. It wasn't long before the one of the nurses peered over the curtain and said the baby was about to make his debut. Shortly after that, we heard his first cry. Our boy was here! And we still hadn't decided on a name yet...but, at that moment it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was here. While they were stitching me up, Dave went with the baby to the nursery where he was weighed and then they both met me in the recovery room. We decided to name him Joseph Delbert Deacon. He was 7lbs, 10ozs. And he was perfect. It wasn't long that the visitors started arriving...while I was still in the recovery room...

We were in the recovery room for about an hour...I had to wait until I had some feeling in my chest and could move my legs a little bit. I was given a private room and was very thankful for it because I was exhausted and didn't need a roommate that would keep me awake (besides the baby, of course!)!

Dave stayed for a while and then I had a nap while he went to go and get some sleep and something to eat. When he came back he brought the girls to meet their new brother. They only stayed a little while because they had to get home and have their dinner and get into bed because they had school the next day. Dave brought the girls and their older brother after school the next day too.

I only had to stay in the hospital until Wednesday afternoon. Originally, the doctor wanted me to stay until Thursday, but I was able to convince him that I was feeling good enough to go home early. The beds in the hospital are terrible and I couldn't get any sleep. In fact, they were causing me a lot of back pain and at times, I could barely walk after I got up from the bed. Needless to say, we were happy to be home.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another Date Change...

So, the doctor's office called today and my c-section date changed again. It is now on Sunday, January 23rd. I don't know the time yet, and I won't know until Friday. This is turning out to be a busy week. I am going for a mani/pedicure with my Mom tomorrow and then I have to drop off the ownership for my car to the dealership so the plates for the new van can be transferred. Oh yeah, we bought a mini-van and I have to go on Thursday and pick it up...then go and get bloodwork done for my c-section. On Friday I have my last pre-natal doctor's appointment and then my friends from Florida will be here on Saturday. And during all this, I still have to find time to clean the house and do the laundry. Maybe it's a good thing I will be busy all will keep my mind on off of Sunday...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

C-Section Postponed!

So, I had my weekly doctor's appointment on Thursday. When I walked into the appointment, I was told by the secretary that my c-section had been moved up to the 17th. Let me tell you, I was beyond happy about this. That meant that I would only have to be pregnant for 4 more days. However, when I saw the doctor, he said he was uncomfortable doing the section that early, so now I have to wait until the 24th. That sucks!!! It started out that I was only going to have to be pregnant for 4 more days (5 less than what I had thought when I left for the appointment), but in the end I have 2 extra! UGH! I can't wait until this pregnancy is over. I, however, am going to try every method available to self-induce labour...except the castor oil...I just can't do that one!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Full Term!

So, I am now about 37 weeks pregnant. That means the baby is now considered full term. I am scheduled for my c-section on January 22nd...but, I keep hoping that I will go into labor early. I am willing to try just about anything to make it happen...almost. The baby has been head down and in position for about a month now and it is very uncomfortable with him sitting so low. I have a plan for next weekend to see if I can get things going on my own...starting with a pedicure. Apparently, there are some spots on the foot that if they are massaged, it can trigger labor. Dave thinks that if I take castor oil, it will bring on labor, but all I have heard about it is that it just gives you gastro-intestinal distress. However, I really don't put too much stock in any of the "tricks" to bring on labor. I think the baby will come when he is ready...or on my scheduled c-section date. I am feeling ok. But, really tired. Some things are starting to get difficult for me to do. I have a hard time with anything too physical or with a lot of bending. There is so much I want to do before the baby is born, but I just don't have the energy to do it. And I know that I won't be able to do much for a few weeks after my surgery. But, I have a year off to get everything done in the house that I want to...I guess there is no rush. I guess the upside right now is that even if the "tricks" to induce labor don't work, I will still be meeting my baby in just over two weeks!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

30 Weeks!

I am now about 30 weeks pregnant and have about 61 days to go until my c-section date. We are scheduled to meet our baby on January 22, 2011. It still seems so far away, but I know that the day I get to meet my son is really not that far away. I know that December will fly by with all the Christmas festivities and such and before I know it the moment we get to meet the newest member of our family will be here. I cannot wait. I feel fine, physically. But, I get tired very easily and my lower back often aches. I am trying to enjoy the little things like sitting with my feet up and feeling the baby kick. We are still fighting about names, but I think that when the baby gets here, it will be decided upon quickly. Until next are some pictures from my 3d ultrasound. The black and white one is picture evidence we are having a boy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Del Deacon

I am sad. My father in law succumbed to cancer on October 11th, 2010. I was with him. I woke up that morning (my husband had to work)and felt this need, this pull to go to the hospital. I had to go. I asked my babysitter to sit with my kids for an hour so that I could visit Del. I really just wanted to check in on him because I knew Dave was working and that he wouldn't have time to go and see his Dad before a family Thanksgiving dinner that we were supposed to attend later that afternoon. I wanted to be able to reassure Dave that I had seen Del and he was ok. That was not what happened. I got to the hospital just after noon on the 11th. As I walked through the hospital doors, I got this eerie feeling that something bad was going to happen while I was there. I went up to Del's room and as I walked through the door, I was happy to see that he had his eyes open(as I hadn't seen him with his eyes open for almost a week). I said "hello Del" and soon realized that he wasn't responding to me and that his breathing was laboured and gurgly. I sat at the window seat and cried for about 10 minutes. I then went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up and took a minute to regain my composure. When I came out of the bathroom, I realized that Del's breath was coming slower. Everything happened so fast, I didn't have time to call any of the family...I knew they wouldn't get there in time and I didn't want to leave his side to get a nurse. I didn't want to leave him alone. So, I stood by his bedside and stroked his hair until this breathing stopped. After a minute, I went to the door and flagged down a nurse. The nurse went to get Del's nurse and they came in to check his heartbeat. After a minute, they confirmed what I already knew. I just sat there and cried. I asked them to give me a minute and I called my Mom; who was working at the hospital. She came to help me. I tried to call my Mother in law, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her the news. I had to have the Head Nurse do it. I then went with my Dad to break the news to my husband; while my Mom waited for my Mother in Law. I went and picked up my husband on one of his jobsites and told him the news. We all then gathered at the hospital to say our good-byes. I felt and still feel horrible. I wish I had said more to comfort Del while he was passing...but, I was in shock and couldn't believe it was happening. I wish it had been someone more important to Del who had been with him. I wish I could take away the hurt and pain from my loved ones. But, more than anything, I wish I could bring Del back. He was a great man and I am proud to have known and loved him.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's Official!

We had a 3D ultrasound yesterday. It was a little disappointing in the fact that the baby hadn't put on enough fat yet and we weren't able to get any good pictures. But, we were able to find out that we are in fact having a boy!!!! I have to admit I am a little nervous at the prospect. I have never had a baby boy and I have no experience with it...we shall see how it goes. We go back on the 27th to complete the ultrasound and will post some pictures then. I put a new poll up and you may have to hover over the names to get the full name because one of them has 2 middle names. Until next time...