Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So far, so good!

I know it has only been three days, but I have not cheated on my diet. Normally, I would have before the end of day 1! I have stuck to my diet and have tried to add a little exercise whenever I can. (parking at the back of the lot when I have to get supplies for work, taking the stairs, etc...) I am hopeful and optimistic that I can make these changes this time!

On another note, "M", who just turned 5 (I forgot to post about it...really I was in denial that my baby was 5) has finally got her appointment at Sick Kids. It will be on the 16th of June. Hopefully, they will give us a little more insight as to what is going on with my little girl.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Life Changes...

Ok, here I go. I am going to try to get on track and re-organize my life. I am going to take charge of my life. I am going to begin by decluttering and organizing my ENTIRE house. It is needed. I find I can't relax completely unless there is some organization in my home. I need to get rid of some of these material things I have been holding onto for years...for purely sentimental reasons.
I am also going to get myself on track. I have allowed myself to put myself last and as a result I have become lazy and gained a bunch of weight. It is time to change...with a little help from my friends? Seriously people...I need support here. If I don't have someone reminding me to get off my ass and stop putting such crappy food in my mouth, I won't change. I am trying to remain positive that I can do this...I will be "a lost girl" no more!

As the saying goes...tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life...