Monday, June 28, 2010

8 Weeks and counting...

So, I still don't have a definate (or as definate as they can be) due date yet. But, I believe it will be January 28th. This is based on both my LMP and my ultra-sound (which has a 5 day error window). I am feeling ok; mostly. Except, I can't sleep. I am dead tired, but when I lay down to sleep, I toss and turn all night. (Except when I am headed to the bathroom!) So far this pregnancy is so different from my other 2. I am starting to think this may be a boy. We will know soon enough. I am still undecided about whether or not I want to find out the baby's sex before it is born. What do you think? I am glad, however, that when I had my ultrasound there was only one baby in there! Dave thought it would have been great to have twins. I told him to run...! My next appointment with my OB is on July 15th. Hopefully, I should know more then.
Until next time here is a picture from my ultrasound. The baby is the small ball on the right had side.

Friday, June 18, 2010

M's Appointment at Sick Kids

We had "M's" appointment yesterday at Sick Kids in Toronto. What a long day!!! We had to be there for our first appointment at 9am and we didn't get in to see the doctor for our second appointment until 5pm. "M" did really well, though. She was such a trooper. The doctor and I decided that to continue her on the low-dose antibiotics for now; as we seem to be winning the battle. If, however, she gets a break-through infection, she will have to have an out-patient surgery to repair the ureter. We are aware, however, that she will probably have to have this minor surgery done in the future...if she doesn't outgrow the problem.

On another note, I saw my OB yesterday and I will definitely have to have another c-section. I was hoping to delivery vaginally, but because I have already had 2 sections they won't allow me to try for a VBAC in Belleville. I would have to go to Kingston to attempt it. That won't be possible with 3 kids at home, so I guess it's another section for me! I won't know a definite due date for a couple of weeks...I have to wait for a dating ultrasound to be done. However, I think it will be around January 27/11.