So, I am now about 37 weeks pregnant. That means the baby is now considered full term. I am scheduled for my c-section on January 22nd...but, I keep hoping that I will go into labor early. I am willing to try just about anything to make it happen...almost. The baby has been head down and in position for about a month now and it is very uncomfortable with him sitting so low. I have a plan for next weekend to see if I can get things going on my own...starting with a pedicure. Apparently, there are some spots on the foot that if they are massaged, it can trigger labor. Dave thinks that if I take castor oil, it will bring on labor, but all I have heard about it is that it just gives you gastro-intestinal distress. However, I really don't put too much stock in any of the "tricks" to bring on labor. I think the baby will come when he is ready...or on my scheduled c-section date. I am feeling ok. But, really tired. Some things are starting to get difficult for me to do. I have a hard time with anything too physical or with a lot of bending. There is so much I want to do before the baby is born, but I just don't have the energy to do it. And I know that I won't be able to do much for a few weeks after my surgery. But, I have a year off to get everything done in the house that I want to...I guess there is no rush. I guess the upside right now is that even if the "tricks" to induce labor don't work, I will still be meeting my baby in just over two weeks!!!