Sunday, November 21, 2010
30 Weeks!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Del Deacon
I am sad. My father in law succumbed to cancer on October 11th, 2010. I was with him. I woke up that morning (my husband had to work)and felt this need, this pull to go to the hospital. I had to go. I asked my babysitter to sit with my kids for an hour so that I could visit Del. I really just wanted to check in on him because I knew Dave was working and that he wouldn't have time to go and see his Dad before a family Thanksgiving dinner that we were supposed to attend later that afternoon. I wanted to be able to reassure Dave that I had seen Del and he was ok. That was not what happened. I got to the hospital just after noon on the 11th. As I walked through the hospital doors, I got this eerie feeling that something bad was going to happen while I was there. I went up to Del's room and as I walked through the door, I was happy to see that he had his eyes open(as I hadn't seen him with his eyes open for almost a week). I said "hello Del" and soon realized that he wasn't responding to me and that his breathing was laboured and gurgly. I sat at the window seat and cried for about 10 minutes. I then went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up and took a minute to regain my composure. When I came out of the bathroom, I realized that Del's breath was coming slower. Everything happened so fast, I didn't have time to call any of the family...I knew they wouldn't get there in time and I didn't want to leave his side to get a nurse. I didn't want to leave him alone. So, I stood by his bedside and stroked his hair until this breathing stopped. After a minute, I went to the door and flagged down a nurse. The nurse went to get Del's nurse and they came in to check his heartbeat. After a minute, they confirmed what I already knew. I just sat there and cried. I asked them to give me a minute and I called my Mom; who was working at the hospital. She came to help me. I tried to call my Mother in law, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her the news. I had to have the Head Nurse do it. I then went with my Dad to break the news to my husband; while my Mom waited for my Mother in Law. I went and picked up my husband on one of his jobsites and told him the news. We all then gathered at the hospital to say our good-byes. I felt and still feel horrible. I wish I had said more to comfort Del while he was passing...but, I was in shock and couldn't believe it was happening. I wish it had been someone more important to Del who had been with him. I wish I could take away the hurt and pain from my loved ones. But, more than anything, I wish I could bring Del back. He was a great man and I am proud to have known and loved him.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
It's Official!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
What's Important
On a happier note, we had another ultrasound today. Everything looked good (as far as I know...the tech wouldn't say much) and the heartbeat was 153 BPM. However, the baby wouldn't open up it's, I guess baby garlic will be a surprise!
Friday, August 27, 2010
It was, it's pouring....
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Little Scare
Here is the latest ultrasound pic...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Broken Record
I stole the following from the What to Expect message board and I thought it was really funny, so I am passing it along to you...
What to Do and what NOT to do while pregnant:
1. You may hike “but not on uneven terrain or at high altitude”…so you may NOT hike? Confusing.
2. Don’t leave the house without eating and/or packing a 5 course meal. You will get sick. Very, very sick.
3. A waffle with ice cream is not an acceptable dinner for baby. Baby will make you throw it up. 5 times.
4. Drink plenty of water…like GALLONS of water…and eat tons of fruit and veg. If you don’t, bad things will happen in the pooping department. Trust me, bad things happen when you drink gallons of water AND eat tons of fruit an veg. So you can imagine…
5. Schedule naps or you’ll be at the will of narcolepsy.
6. Don’t jump up from a seated position. Sudden movements will lay you flat on the floor until your vision comes to and the blood reaches your head.
7. Don’t downhill ski, no matter how much you want to. Only uphill skiing is acceptable behaviour at this point.
8. Don’t jump or dive into pools due to the high risk of this behaviour. Oops…
9. No bicycling on wet pavement. At least it does not say anything about motorcycles.
And last but definitely not least,
10. Don’t try on your skinny jeans. You will cry. For that matter, don’t even try on your fat jeans or you’ll cry harder.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Not Much
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
On another note, I am sooo coveting the "Annie" hospital gown from this website: . I think this is an excellent idea and would make the hospital stay a more comfortable one. Until next time...I am off to rethink our budget and beg for baby items...!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Morning Sickness
Thank you so much for showing up when I am almost 11 weeks pregnant. You know, around the time you are usually subsiding. Anyway, thanks for making an appearance, but, it's time for you to go now.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Due Date
Monday, June 28, 2010
8 Weeks and counting...
Until next time here is a picture from my ultrasound. The baby is the small ball on the right had side.
Friday, June 18, 2010
M's Appointment at Sick Kids
On another note, I saw my OB yesterday and I will definitely have to have another c-section. I was hoping to delivery vaginally, but because I have already had 2 sections they won't allow me to try for a VBAC in Belleville. I would have to go to Kingston to attempt it. That won't be possible with 3 kids at home, so I guess it's another section for me! I won't know a definite due date for a couple of weeks...I have to wait for a dating ultrasound to be done. However, I think it will be around January 27/11.
Monday, May 31, 2010
And baby will make 6!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
So far, so good!
On another note, "M", who just turned 5 (I forgot to post about it...really I was in denial that my baby was 5) has finally got her appointment at Sick Kids. It will be on the 16th of June. Hopefully, they will give us a little more insight as to what is going on with my little girl.
Until next time...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Life Changes...
Ok, here I go. I am going to try to get on track and re-organize my life. I am going to take charge of my life. I am going to begin by decluttering and organizing my ENTIRE house. It is needed. I find I can't relax completely unless there is some organization in my home. I need to get rid of some of these material things I have been holding onto for years...for purely sentimental reasons.
I am also going to get myself on track. I have allowed myself to put myself last and as a result I have become lazy and gained a bunch of weight. It is time to change...with a little help from my friends? Seriously people...I need support here. If I don't have someone reminding me to get off my ass and stop putting such crappy food in my mouth, I won't change. I am trying to remain positive that I can do this...I will be "a lost girl" no more!
As the saying goes...tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Nan Story...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sick Kids....
So, "M"'s test results came back...She has reflux in her kidney's. Grade 1 on one side and Grade 3 on the other. That means the urine is going back up the ureter. For Grade 1 reflux it is going about half way up the ureter and for Grade 3 reflux it is going all the way into the kidney. "M" has been referred to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital and has to stay on a low dose antibiotic until they see her. From what I understand, there are couple ways they can go for treatment. They could keep her on antibiotics to prevent infections and wait and see if she will grow out of it or they can surgically repair the uteter. Part of me hopes it is the first one so that she will not have to go through surgery and part of me hopes they opt for surgery so that my baby girl will be fixed and I won't have to worry as much that she will get sick. Is that wrong? I just want her healed and better so that she can concentrate on being a little girl...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
And the hits just keep on coming....part 2
Friday, March 12, 2010
And the hits just keep on coming....part 1
Things started to turn from there....
We got home at about 9:30 that night and, finally, got the kids tucked nicely into bed. I was exhaused myself, so I headed up to bed at about 11pm. Shortly thereafter, while I was watching "The Golden Girls", the bathroom light went out. I got up and checked it and it turned right back on as if someone had just turned off the switch (no one had, it was still in the "on" position when I went in to check and I turned it off and then on again). I went back to bed and went to sleep...without thinking much more about it, other than it was a little odd. Dave came to bed around 1am. At a little after 2 am, the phone rang...this is where it turns bad. It was the nursing home and they needed to speak to my Mom about my Grandmother. I hung up the phone with a sense of foreboding and went to my Mom's unit to get her. While Mom was dialing the phone, Dave showed up to tell us that they had called back and were waiting in our unit on the phone. By this time, my Mom had gotten a hold of the nursing home. Nan was gone. She had passed away in her sleep. I was devistated, but I didn't want to show it. Other people needed me to be strong. I left to go and get my sister and Dave went to hang up the phone and check on our kids. My sister and her husband greeted me at the door....and I told her the news. That was hard. She took it well, but I don't ever want to have to tell someone that kind of thing at 2:30 in the morning ever again. Mom and Dad showed up shortly thereafter and we went to get my cousins (who had just been told by my Aunt and Uncle that Nan had passed). As we all sat there in shock talking about our "game plan", we couldn't help but start telling stories of someone we all loved dearly and meant the world to us. Now that I think of it...Nan might as well of planned it this way...we were all together and were there for each other. It was decided that my Mom and Dad and Uncle Brian and Aunt Cathy would head back to Canada and help Uncle Mike make the arrangements. We would stay and finish our trip because our kids were all young and wouldn't understand why we had to leave. We tried to make the best of the rest of our time in Florida, but there was always a shadow hanging over our heads. Nan was never far from our thoughts. On our last day there, the kids and I wrote notes to Nan, tied them to our Disney balloons and sent them up to her. (the one from Me, my sister and cousins said "thank you for being a friend" as we all fondly remember watching the "Golden Girls" with Nan)
We were fortunate enought to get to spend a day with some very good friends(whom we met when they lived in Canada) and am thankful for it. We went shopping, played poker, had a few drinks and many laughs. We reluctantly said good-bye to them on Friday and then to Florida on Saturday. After a near-miss in Washington (they overbooked the plane), we finally made it to Syracuse were our husbands were waiting to see us back home to Canada. To be continued...
Monday, February 15, 2010
What Resolution????
In 4 days we are taking the family to Florida for a week-long vacation. When I say family...I mean the whole family. There will be my husband and myself and our 3 kids, my sister and her husband and their 2 kids, my aunt and uncle, my parents and my 2 cousins and their families. It should be a barrel of long at it gets a little bit warmer in Florida! I am willing to meet in the middle on that...I am hoping for at least 65 degrees...that's not too much to it?
So, in preparation for our vacation I spend all weekend packing and cleaning. I am sure that by the time we leave I will have unpacked and repacked and cleaned the house neurotically at least 3 more times! Unfortunately, the Monday after we get home..."M" will have to go for her test. I don't think I have mentioned this test yet. She will ultimately have to have a catheter placed and have dye shot up into her bladder...once the dye is in she will have an x-ray. After the x-ray, she will have to urinate and then have another x-ray. The purpose of the test is to make sure that her bladder and kidneys are functioning properly. I am not looking forward to this test and "M" gets upset anytime she hears someone mention it. However, I am hopeful that it will give us the answers we need.
Until next time...(who knows when that might be).....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Lazy....and a bunch of rambling!
Christmas was busy and it always is with 3 kids!!! But, it was good and I think everyone was very pleased.
This weekend coming Dave is taking me to Montreal to go and see an Ottawa Senators/Montreal Canadiens game...really looking forward to that!!! The kids will be with their grandma and we will get a much needed break. My parents will be back from the Dominican...I wonder if they felt the quake from Haiti? My heart bleeds for all of those who were affected.
I (and of course, the kids) am getting really excited for our trip to Florida at the end of February. It is always fun to go on vacation without the kids; like we usually do. But, I think I am looking forward to this trip even more!
"D" will get his final installment of his root canal next week and then a cap on his tooth to make it whole again...what a long process!!!!
"M" is better since her 2 week hospitalization in September. She was admitted to the hospital twice (it ended up being 2 week-long stays) for an eColi infection in her urinary tract....NOT FUN!!!
"A" is the ever sweet little girl who is really looking forward to going to see Taylor Swift with her Mommy and a couple of friends in May.
I guess that's it for now....I will try to update this more frequently and in an more orderly fashion this year!!!!