I know I sound like a broken record, but I am tired. I have never been this tired in my life. I cannot summon up the energy to do anything. I feel useless because I am so tired. UGH! It's very frustrating to have so much to do, and no energy to do it. I don't remember being this tired when I was pregnant with the girls...but, they say every pregnancy is different. The familiar back pain has started though. I knew it would. It happened when I was pregnant with both the girls, so I was expecting it. I can't stand or walk for long periods of time without pain in my lower back...I guess, it's just another excuse to rest!!!
I stole the following from the What to Expect message board and I thought it was really funny, so I am passing it along to you...
What to Do and what NOT to do while pregnant:
1. You may hike “but not on uneven terrain or at high altitude”…so you may NOT hike? Confusing.
2. Don’t leave the house without eating and/or packing a 5 course meal. You will get sick. Very, very sick.
3. A waffle with ice cream is not an acceptable dinner for baby. Baby will make you throw it up. 5 times.
4. Drink plenty of water…like GALLONS of water…and eat tons of fruit and veg. If you don’t, bad things will happen in the pooping department. Trust me, bad things happen when you drink gallons of water AND eat tons of fruit an veg. So you can imagine…
5. Schedule naps or you’ll be at the will of narcolepsy.
6. Don’t jump up from a seated position. Sudden movements will lay you flat on the floor until your vision comes to and the blood reaches your head.
7. Don’t downhill ski, no matter how much you want to. Only uphill skiing is acceptable behaviour at this point.
8. Don’t jump or dive into pools due to the high risk of this behaviour. Oops…
9. No bicycling on wet pavement. At least it does not say anything about motorcycles.
And last but definitely not least,
10. Don’t try on your skinny jeans. You will cry. For that matter, don’t even try on your fat jeans or you’ll cry harder.
Bearskin Meadow Camp (2)
10 years ago
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