Monday, August 10, 2009


I recently got in an argument with someone and after the dust settled, I realized something. Yes, I was annoyed and yes, I was angry. But, I allowed this person to anger me and annoy me. I gave them the power to do this by allowing them to get to me. I have realized that no matter what my wants, needs and wishes are...I can not make anyone adhere to them. But, in giving into the negative emotions, I am giving those people who don't respect my feelings a power over me. I have decided that I will no longer allow this to happen. I am determined to surround myself with only those who genuinely care and respect not only my feelings, but wants, needs and wishes. I will no longer allow anyone else to have power over me. I will always strive to respect those around me; even if it isn't returned...but, I will no longer seek the approval of anyone. This is my vow to myself. For everyone it or lump it!

Monday, June 29, 2009

And I thought my life was madness before.....

I know that I haven't updated in a while, but the summer is a crazy time for my family. Dave is currently working 7 hours away from Monday to Friday and I work 50+ hours a week, deal with 3 kids, the house, the bills....etc..... So, you probably won't hear much from me for a bit.

We have been really busy lately. We had birthday parties to attend, Big Music Fest, and this weekend we went camping and to Canada's Wonderland.
Ok, Canada's's a lot of fun, but equally as much work. And VERY expensive. It cost us almost $200 for the five of us to get in. Then we stood in line for, sometimes, an hour at a time. The rides were a lot of fun, but it's difficult when you have one parent who doesn't ride the rides, one who is a big kid, and three kids who are in three different height groups! I will not go back until all 3 kids can ride all the rides or there is one adult per kid. It's just too much work for one person to deal with 2 kids who don't want to wait around for the other adult and kid...but, we still managed to have a great time! However, "M" was very concerned about a couple of rides and wouldn't let Dave or "D" to go on them. She was very concerned about the reverse bungee ride....she told them that they couldn't go on it because they will die!

But Jellystone Park is somewhere that we will probably go every year! They are so great with kids there and my kids love it....especially the pool!

I think, though, for the next couple of weeks, we are going to relax at home on the weekends!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


My life seems to be in a constant state of upheaval. My husband is out of town often, and that leaves me to deal with our three children, the house, the groceries, errands, paying the bills...etc, etc. by myself. I have been feeling overwhelmed lately. I don't know if it's because I have been really busy at work or because the kids are acting nuts lately (moon changes?). It seems odd, (if you know our family) but "D" is the only one of my kids who is behaving himself and not acting out. "M" and "A" are fighting constantly, whining, talking back and just plain being defiant. I am at the end of my rope with them and am finding it a struggle to find my focus and keep my calm. I am actually trying to take some ques from my friend Kim. I am trying to learn by her example and find the positive in any and all situations...
I bought a beginner yoga DVD and am trying to find the time to do it each know, when I actually have 20 minutes to myself. It seems like I only get those 20 minutes when the kids are in bed...after 9pm. So, more often than not, I don't have the energy or the willpower to do the DVD that late at night. But, I have been taking a few minutes with my new Teatopia tea (mother's day gift from Dave) and a good book and lose myself...that seems to help. I also try to do one nice thing a day for someone else. It could be a stranger or a close friend, but when I do these "random acts of kindness" it makes me feel good about myself and sets a more positive tone for the day. For example, there is a blog I read daily, and have for months. This woman's blog is very amusing and I really enjoy it. Recently her son was in the hospital for a few weeks, and she was having a difficult time, but making the most of it. Keep in mind I have never met this woman (she lives in the US). I have one of those italian charm link bracelets with my kids pictures on the charms. I really like it. So, I had one made for her (with her kids pictures, not mine!) and as soon as it comes in...I will ship it out. I am very excited for her to receive it. I think she will really like it. I have also started giving "birthday chocolates" to people at work (if I know it's their birthday) So far, I have 35 coworkers that get "birthday chocolates" from me. They really seem to appreciate the sentiment and that makes me feel really good. I think Kim is right....there is a lot a positive in this just have to make a conscience choice to find it everyday. I am going to try to make it a point everyday to find something positive...even if my kids are acting completely nuts!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Steacy "Stass" Fralick

I found out yesterday that a friend of mine had passed away. I am filled with sadness, shock, anger and guilt. I haven't seen Steacy for about a year and I feel terrible about it. I am sure this happens to the best of us. We get busy in our own lives and sometimes, without even realizing it, we lose touch. And now she is gone and she will never know just how much I will miss her and how much she meant to me. There will never be anyone like Steacy. She could make anyone smile, and made it her mission to do so. If you were having a bad day, all you had to do was find Stass and she would put an end to it right away. She was one of the most fun people I have ever met. Steacy was a beautiful person, both inside and out. She wore her heart upon her sleeve and it sometimes cost her, but she didn't know how to be any other way. I can't image a world without knowing that she is only a phone call away. I can' t believe she is gone and I really can't believe that I let so much time pass without reaching out to her. I will never get to now. I am filled with sorrow.
Steacy, my friend, you have left us way too soon. I will miss you terribly and I am sorry that I lost touch. Rest in peace, know I love you and will never forget you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Weekend

Good day y'all.

I don't know about everyone else, but why is it that if it is a holiday weekend, it is waaaay busier than any other. I had 2 extra days off, but I was more tired when I got to work on Tuesday morning that what I usually am on Mondays!!!

The weekend went like this:

Thursday night: grocery shop for all of the things needed for the party on Friday night. (everything was closed on Friday for Good Friday)

Friday: Cook and prepare the food for the party. Take a break to go look for our son, who decided to take off from his grandmother:( No worries, he's fine. He just didn't want to come home when his cousin did and then got a bit lost. I think he scared himself more than being afraid of any kind of punishment we gave him. So, all he got was a half-hour time out. Ok, back to the weekend....

Saturday: PARTY DAY

First we had to get everyone up and fed and then Lisa (Dave's sister) and I were off to Costco in Kingston to pick up the deli trays I had ordered. (sorry Esther, I forgot to call when we were in Kingston, too busy) As we were doing that, Dave was off with the kids for swimming lessons. (which had been cancelled for Easter weekend, but we weren't told....ooops!) Then it was back home, finish getting everything prepared and out and ready to go. Once that was done we had to get everyone dressed and ready....the hardest part was keeping everyone clean!
Then....we are off to the party!!!

Time to decorate the hall...

After the hall was decorated and the table were set up...I kicked all of my helpers out (thank you helpers) and took a few moments to compose myself.

A little bit after 7pm, the party guests started trickling in and soon after that the "birthday girl" arrived. I think, in my oh-so-humble opinion, that the party was a great success. Everyone seemed to have wonderful time and I even got a nice photo of my three kids together and a really cute one of my Dad and my daughter "A" dancing.

My Dad took the kiddies home to the babysitter with him so that the adults could enjoy the rest of the evening and the kids could be rested for the Easter Bunny the next morning. We cleaned up and left around midnight. Dave went home to relieve the babysitter and I went to "Little Texas" with Dave's sister and the DJ. The next morning we all awoke to an Easter egg hunt and some Easter gifts. We had to go to my Aunt's house for dinner that night, so I felt that I was entitled to a little nap.....2 hours later, I woke up and we went to dinner!!! We got home shortly after 7pm and none of us were in bed long after that! Thank goodness I took the Monday off! I would not have been able to function at work!
All in all it was a good weekend....just way too busy.
Hmmmm, maybe one of these days I will ask for help with this stuff instead of just doing it myself!

Monday, April 6, 2009

How can she be 4 already?

So, my youngest child "M" turned 4 yesterday. I really have no idea where the time went. I looked at some photo albums this weekend and read the journal I have kept for her, and I can't believe that she's 4. My baby isn't a baby anymore....:(

This is "M" at 3 months....

This is "M" on her birthday....

We had a great day. We went to Chuck E Cheese, at "M's" request. She had a really fun time. Until, the Cheese, himself, came out to say Hi and Happy Birthday to her....she proceeded to hide under the table until he was gone! Silly girl. That is not the typical "M". This one usually has no fear!
Besides taking the birthday girl to Chuck E Cheese, we had a very active and busy weekend...despite the terrible weather. Rain, ugh! We also took the kids to a Belleville Bulls game. They are our local OHL team and are currenlty in the semi-final round of the play-offs. All in all a great weekend.....
As always, praying for Stellan and Mckmama. Praying that Stellan will be healed and for strength and courage for Mckmama.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I guess I should have done this yesterday....A brief introduction is in order.

We are the "D" family (I sometimes think that the D does, in fact, stand for dysfunctional).

I guesss, I will introduce myself first. I'm Shannon. My friends call me Shan....actually, only my husband and a couple of really close friends call me Shan, but feel free. I won't even begin to tell you what the rest of the world calls me.....I can be a bit opinionated and mouthy!!!! I am a quick-tempered, fast-talking, slightly sarcastic, fiecely protective mother of 3, who loves to read, go shopping, take long walks, and play with my kids. I tend to put up a wall and try to make people believe that I am tougher than what I am, but I am really just a tender heart.

Enough about me....onto my husband, Dave.

Dave and I met roughly, 10 years ago. He is a hard-working, fun-loving, passionate, kind man with the most beautiful smile. Dave plays as hard as he works and is a better father than I could have imagined, and getting better everyday. He doesn't like to dicipline, but will if he has to.

Now for the kiddies......

"D" is our oldest child and my step-son. He is a loving and kind 11 year old, with a quick temper, unparalelled energy and a non-existant attention span. He loves hockey, the WWE, his friends, family and pets. He is ready and willing to try almost anything....except for anything to do with heights. He makes friends easily and loves to do anything that is outdoors.

Our middle child, "A", is my beautiful 7-year old princess. She is the most kind and gentle of children. She loves with all her heart. "A" is one of the most sensitive children I have ever met. Her little heart can be broken at the smallest of things. Like her older brother, who she adores, she loves to be outside playing with her friends. She will play with pollypockets, sidewalk chalk, barbies, etc. for hours.

Now for our youngest, and most challenging of children...."M".

"M" is a very spirited 3-year old girl. She does everything to the extremes. She knows what she likes and doesn't like, and is VERY good at making opinions known. She loves to laugh and anything that has to do with animals. And....she knows how to throw a punch!!!!

Our family is very busy and a bit dysfunctional....but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ummm, I'm new to this, be patient with me.

Life in my family is busy.....planned or not. Lately, a lot of our time has been taking my 11-year old step-son to the specialists. He was playing at a local park recently and broke HALF of his front tooth off!!!!

The poor lad now had to go and get a root canal done. I never had one done, but, I can't imagine it will be fun!
We took the 2 girls to see Monsters vs Aliens this weekend. My youngest (she's 3), did NOT like this movie. Halfway through, she yelled at the top of her lungs "I wanna go home!!!!" Apparentley the aliens scared her!
On a side note.....I am spending most of my time today, (when I should be working) praying for Stellan. I have been watching MckMama's blog ( all day waiting for updates. God bless this family. I follow MckMama's blog daily, and I can only hope that I am half of the mama she is.
Until next I said, be kind, I'm new to this!