Friday, August 27, 2010

It was, it's pouring....

A couple of days ago my mother in law called me at work and said that Dave's Dad was being rushed to the local hospital by ambulance...could I go with her? Of course. But, before she got to my work to pick me up, I got another call from better call Dave, Del is being taken to Kingston. He had fallen in the yard when the left side of his body gave out. So Dave and I, and Lisa and Theresa headed to Kingston. After driving around for what seemed like an hour, we finally found a parking spot that was big enough for the truck. I went into the emergency department waiting room while Dave fielded a call from work outside. His Mom came out and told us some terrible news. His Dad had several tumors on the right side of his brain. They appeared to be cancerous and one of them had started bleeding. We found out later that this is what caused the stroke. We visited for a hour or so, and when it was obvious that we weren't going to get any answers that night we headed home with heavy hearts. Dave was devistated. When he finally came to bed at 2am he was still sniffling from crying all night. We got up in the morning and went to work. Dave's eyes were red and puffy and it was clear to anyone who spoke to him that he was terribly upset. I called Dave's Mom (who was already visiting Dave's Dad) to see if there where any updates before we went to see him...there were. Del had had his CAT scan and they had found a tumor in his lung that was about the size of a lemon. We are still waiting on the biopsy to confirm whether or not it is melignant. Please help us pray for good news.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So, today is my birthday. Normally a day I love and look forward to. Not this year. I could care less. Besides feeling like shit for something I don't want to talk about about, this will be the first birthday for as long as I can remember that I won't have Nan call me and wish me a Happy Birthday. It was always a highlight. The best part (in the later years) was when she would call and wish every person in the family a happy birthday before she finally got to my name (she always had such a hard time with names)! Hopefully, next year will be better.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Little Scare

So, I had some spotting last week and went to the doctor about it. He immediately put me off work for a week and ordered an ultrasound. Dave couldn't go with me, so I asked my cousin Emily to go. (she seemed more intent on trying to convince the ultrasound tech that I was having twins...which I am not) The baby looked fine and the heartbeat was strong. Still no word on what we are having. I will find out at the anatomy ultrasound on September 8th. I am back to work now, but have been ordered to reduce my hours and my workload...and if I start bleeding again, I am to go home immediately. So, we shall see what happens. Other than that, I have been feeling ok. I am still having sleeping issues. I am dead tired, but can't sleep at night. Hopefully, this soon will pass. On a brighter note, I am able to feel the baby's movements. Dave and are busy moving bedrooms around and are (soon) going to get started on baby "Garlic's" nursery. With back to school fast approaching, it is becoming a really busy time at the Deacon household...and I don't imagine that will let up anytime soon...before we know it the Christmas holidays will be here and then it will be baby time!!!
Here is the latest ultrasound pic...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Broken Record

I know I sound like a broken record, but I am tired. I have never been this tired in my life. I cannot summon up the energy to do anything. I feel useless because I am so tired. UGH! It's very frustrating to have so much to do, and no energy to do it. I don't remember being this tired when I was pregnant with the girls...but, they say every pregnancy is different. The familiar back pain has started though. I knew it would. It happened when I was pregnant with both the girls, so I was expecting it. I can't stand or walk for long periods of time without pain in my lower back...I guess, it's just another excuse to rest!!!
I stole the following from the What to Expect message board and I thought it was really funny, so I am passing it along to you...

What to Do and what NOT to do while pregnant:

1. You may hike “but not on uneven terrain or at high altitude”…so you may NOT hike? Confusing.

2. Don’t leave the house without eating and/or packing a 5 course meal. You will get sick. Very, very sick.

3. A waffle with ice cream is not an acceptable dinner for baby. Baby will make you throw it up. 5 times.

4. Drink plenty of water…like GALLONS of water…and eat tons of fruit and veg. If you don’t, bad things will happen in the pooping department. Trust me, bad things happen when you drink gallons of water AND eat tons of fruit an veg. So you can imagine…

5. Schedule naps or you’ll be at the will of narcolepsy.

6. Don’t jump up from a seated position. Sudden movements will lay you flat on the floor until your vision comes to and the blood reaches your head.

7. Don’t downhill ski, no matter how much you want to. Only uphill skiing is acceptable behaviour at this point.

8. Don’t jump or dive into pools due to the high risk of this behaviour. Oops…

9. No bicycling on wet pavement. At least it does not say anything about motorcycles.

And last but definitely not least,

10. Don’t try on your skinny jeans. You will cry. For that matter, don’t even try on your fat jeans or you’ll cry harder.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not Much

There isn't much that is new. I am still tired, grumpy and hormonal...but, other than that...everything is great! I did find out that I cannot switch doctors once I reach 27 weeks. I was a little disappointed, but had already guessed that would be the case. My check up went well, but he didn't even attempt to find the heartbeat. I was really disappointed in that. I was sure that they could find it after you were 12 weeks...and I was just over 13 weeks when I saw him last. Oh well, I know he will at the next appointment...I will be 17.5 weeks by then. I am really not feeling well today, and I wish I didn't have to work. Oh well, only 4.5 more months to go (until Maternity leave)!